Saturday, September 20, 2008

3 Steps to Quickly Get A Residual Income Stream - Passive Income

Would you like to quickly and fairly easily get a monthly check that pays your household bills? Would you like to do work one time and then get paid over and over again? Follow these 3 steps and you can have those benefits. Don’t follow the 3 steps and you can plan on going back to work every week in order to get your monthly check.

1. Own The Right Kind Of Business. Notice that I did not say that you did not have to work for the income. Important point if you are looking for a get rich quick scheme. The work I am talking about though is not difficult and can be done with speed.

Would you agree with me that we should seek and take advice from people who really know what they are talking about? J. Paul Getty, who was one of the richest men of his time, recommended in a book “How to Be Rich” that you should own a business. His point was that you want to deal with products that get used up and bought over and over again. His point was that the product should be consumed (eaten), go down the drain, or go up the smokestack. The ordering over and over again concept is the key to residual or passive income.

Insurance sales are a perfect example of this concept. An insurance policy, like property insurance, is sold once but the customer needs it again every year. Every time the policy is sold, a commission is paid. The salesman does not usually need to sell the policy again but the renewal will be made over and over again.

A food business can be another example. The food is consumed or eaten and then must be replaced so that it can be eaten again. If a commission is paid, the commission is paid over and over again.

So own a business in which the sale is made once but the commission is paid over and over as the product is re-ordered with minimal involvement by the seller.

2. Have A Great Big Funnel. If you could add to your business every month while keeping the sales volume you had in the previous month, would you think that was a good idea? If you start your business this month and have $500 in sales and those customers are going to need to buy again next month, would you want more customers next month?

Compare that to some businesses where they sell a customer one time and that customer does not need or want to reorder next month. For example, a lawyer fixes a problem for a customer. The customer pays him for the work or advice. But the problem is fixed. The customer is not going to reorder next month. For the lawyer to make as much money, he will need to replace that customer.

In your business when you add a customer, you are not replacing a lost customer. So when you add a customer, you are not just maintaining your business but adding to your business. The bigger your funnel to bring in new customers, the better.

3. Get Leverage In Your Business. Mr. Getty also said that he would prefer to have 1% of the effort of 100 people than to have 100% of his own effort. There are only so many hours in the day, so if you are trading your time for money, your income is automatically capped.

Let’s go back to the insurance example. The salesman is putting new and additional business on the books every month. His commissions are directly related only to his efforts. Every agent though works for a general agent. The general agent helps and trains the agents. The general agent may or may not do her own sales. The general agent is paid 4% of the commissions paid to each agent to compensate for training and helping. The 4% is the passive or residual income stream you are seeking.

When you apply these steps in the right business, you can quickly and easily develop a residual income stream.


James Montgomery is a successful lawyer and business owner who helps and protects people buying and selling businesses. Find out about the six systems that your business must have at His advice on business ventures is also at and

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Four Steps on How to Build Downlines For You

There are a lot of network businesses over the internet. And most of them revolve around the process of recruiting other people to be positioned under somebody in the networking ladder. These people are called the downlines. And in reality, they are the people who make a member earn.

There are different reasons why an online business implements a networking scheme for their company. For starters, this scheme allows them to have more people distributing their links in the different channels over the internet. It is not a disclosed fact that the more people posting their splash page or affiliate links, the more traffic the main referrer's website gets.

This is also the reason why the online businesses that are following a networking strategy compensates their members greatly for the every referral they bring over, especially if they charge some kind of a registration fee for new members. To get ahead with your downlines, here are good suggestions to follow:

1. Use your social networking site page.

Social networking sites became a hit primarily for one thing ñ it provides easy access for members to contact their friends. How much is your social networking home page viewed everyday? Those views are very important. You never know when an interested individual would come and actually sign up. As such, you should never forget to put a link, banner, or advertising material of your business to your social networking home page.

2. Get some email marketing done.

Email, by far, is the most powerful internet marketing tool. You have to construct a very moving email message and send it to your friends. You start with the people you know because they are the ones who are not going to tag your mail as a spam. Be as jovial and enthusiastic in your email as much as you can. And don't forget a link that would directly promote your networking business. You have to write your email in such a way people can't resist sending it out to their other friends.

3. Be visible online.

There are many ways to be visible online. You can setup a blog, for instance. A blog corresponds to your daily thoughts. You don't have to setup a technical blog. A blog that is updated on a regular basis, preferably daily is good enough. Always post something new about your business. This way, your subscribers will be updated. Plus, the more subscribers you have, the more popular your blog will become. And that means more traffic and more referrals for you.

4. Get active in a forum.

You can join a forum. But you can definitely start one for yourself. All you have to do is the right script and loads and loads of friends to help you start it up. You should also promote your forum well so that there will be new people adding to it everyday. Forums could be a little too hard to manage. But with the right resources, you should be able to pull it off. Otherwise, you can always join an established forum to get yourself noticed.

These are the things that could help you generate more downlines. Downlines are the essence of a networking business. By following these steps, you will certainly be more successful in your chosen endeavor. is an Expert Online Marketer
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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A Few Ways to Earn Money Quick

Looking for some ways to earn some quick money? There are a few, and I know from personal experience that they DO work. Whether you want to make a little extra money in your spare time, or make a HUGE amount and tell your boss goodbye, these methods are just a couple of ways you can make some fast cash.

The first method I'm going to tell you about is online surveys. You may have seen on television or in women's magazines that many people make lots of money simply by completing surveys. This is not for everyone, especially if you get bored easily. But thousands of people do it every day, and some make thousands per month!

With online surveys, you can usually choose which surveys you want to participate in. Some are short, some are long. For a short survey that takes you 5 minutes to complete, you can make anywhere from $2 to $5. If you choose a survey that takes 15 minutes or so, you can easily make $25 or $30. Many people average $25 per hour doing surveys. This is one of the best ways to earn money quick.

Now I am going to try to explain a method of making money that you may never have heard of. The bum marketing method is absolutely THE fastest way to make money online, and I can tell you that I have personally made over $400 in two weeks time. And I am just a beginner! This is definitely one of the best ways to earn money quick that I have ever found.

In bum marketing, you simply go to an affiliate site such as Clickbank. Browse the products and choose a subject you like or are familiar with. Create a free blog at Blogger or Wordpress and make a few posts on the subject of your product.

Write some good articles with your subject as the topic, link to your blog in your author resource box, and watch the sales roll in! Of course, on your blog you will want to have a few banners leading to your product, as well as links in your posts.

Well, these are the two of the most effective ways to earn money quick that I have found. I hope you try them out, you can be making money fast in no time!

Of the ways to earn money quick, I have to say that nothing beats bum marketing for making super fast cash! Visit Legitimate Money from Home for details and more money making ideas.

Monday, September 8, 2008

The Advantages of Having a Residual Income Stream

By Daegen Smith

Why do people work? Sure, we can all reason out that some people work for self-satisfaction. Some people might say that they work in order to improve the world. But in the end, it all comes down to income Other reasons can only be faced once the need for income has been fulfilled.

You should know however, that there are two types of income: Linear income and residual income Linear income is the type of income that most people are acquainted with. It is the income that stops once you stop working. Residual income however, continues long after the work is done.

So what are residual income streams?

Well, as said before, this is the type of income that keeps coming long after the work is done. An example of this is the royalties that an author receives from the sales of a novel. As long as the book is selling, the author will receive income from it. This happens long after the book has been written.

There are many disadvantages to this type of income however. That is the reason why not many people earn it. First of all, you need talent. Not all people have the skills required to write a bestseller. Not many people have the capacity to produce a hit song.

All you need to build a residual income stream is the proper training and the rest can already be found around you. This type of income stream only requires you to make use of your existing resources and tap the potential income Using the training that other people will give you, you would be able to maximize your resources and actually use what you have in order to build your dream.

Residual income streams, on the other hand, utilize your network in order to give you the potential for unlimited and exponentially increasing income The increase in your income might be limited only by the number of people there are in the world. Have you ever heard the theory that people are connected to every other person in the world by six degrees of separation? This means that you are six degrees away from getting the whole world to supply your income.

You see, a residual income stream is called thus because a stream increases in size and ferocity as it goes on. A stream turns into a river and the river goes into the sea, which then transforms into the roaring ocean.

The best thing about a residual income stream lies in the fact that you do not need to do any work in order to keep it flowing. Once you start the flow, human nature will direct the course of your income. is an Expert Online Marketer
"Learn How To Make $85,147,717 Per Month While Quickly And
Easily EXPLODING Your Network Marketing Organization by 7,141
People Without EVER Buying Or Calling a Single Stinking Lead?"
Get Your Free MLM Wealth CD Now!

Secret Affiliate Code That Will Boost Your Revenue

By Paul Matthew Moore

Are you an affiliate marketer who is struggling to make money with your online business? Then you need to know about a new product that is taking the internet by storm, the Secret Affiliate Code. This affiliate code will change how you look at affiliate marketing and how you do business. This Secret Affiliate Code review will show you why getting this amazing product are a must for anyone, whether you are a newbie or are more experienced.

The Secret Affiliate Code was created by Craig Beckta. You may be asking, who is Craig Beckta? Craig is a normal guy just that has cracked the secret to making money with affiliate marketing. He has joined the ranks to top super affiliates online and has earned their respect. Plus, he has figured out many different ways that you can get lots of free traffic and you don't even have to have your own list to make money.

Using his free traffic methods he was able to make $6,000 dollars in just one week time. It sounds impossible to do right? Well, it is really not. With the Secret Affiliate Code you will learn how to use the same free traffic methods that Craig uses. This system is set up so that anyone can get the large amounts of traffic and start making money from that traffic right away.

This Secret Affiliate Code review will tell you a few of the amazing things you will receive with this amazing system. There is no way to tell you everything about what you will get or how this system can help you because Craig has over-delivered on this product to make sure you have nothing stopping you from having your own successful internet business. So, here are a few of the things you will get.

1. You can easily learn how to dominate the first page of Google. The Secret Affiliate Code will show you how to get the first, second and even the third position for any keyword.

2. Free traffic methods that you can use right away and you don't even need Google to get this traffic.

3. Learn how to spy on your competition in ways that you would never have thought to use.

4. Find out with the Secret Affiliate Code how to outsell the gurus. This alone is worth getting this system for.

These are just a few of the important things you will learn about with the Secret Affiliate Code.

You have found out only a little of what you will be able to learn with this Secret Affiliate Code review, now you have to check it out for yourself or you will end up regretting it.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Ultimate Business Model - Creating Residual Income Streams

By Ian Canaway

Every successful business has understood and mastered one basic principle. That principle can be summed up in two words: Repeat Business.

Pick any major business name: Microsoft, Walmart, McDonald's . . .

The reason behind their success is repeat business - the simple fact that most of their customers are repeat buyers. Sure, they get new customers as often as they can. But the majority of their business, and profits, come from repeat buyers. These businesses depend on their existing customers to earn consistent profits.

And it's no surprise that the number one reason most businesses go out of business very quickly is this...they don't take care of they existing customers. They don't build a relationship with them, and they definitely don't sell to them more than once.

Just about every business you see, either online or offline, is so busy finding "new" customers that they forget about their existing customers.

You want to know what the biggest marketing secret on the planet is? This is it. This is the biggest secret. It's not coming up with new marketing ideas or trying every new marketing twist that you hear about, or running after every new marketing manual that hits the web promising to teach you a new marketing trick.

The secret really is no secret these days...

Repeat Business!

That's the secret to business and marketing success!

One of the most powerful things you can do to build your business and make a killing in profits is to sell to the same customers over and over again. There's nothing wrong with finding new customers, as long as you continue to sell to your existing customers! That's where the real money is.

It's a simple strategy. It's a powerful strategy! And it works very well for me and for many other marketers. Having your own responsive "opt-in" mailing list allows you to use that strategy.

But . . . what if I told you that there's something even better?!

What if I told you that you could sell to a customer just once, and earn a profit every single month, for many, many years - maybe even for the rest of your life?!

And what if I told you that you are not limited to the number of customers you can sell to? That means that if you were to sell this to 100, 1,000, or even 10,000 customers, you would earn a profit from each of those customers every single month, without having to lift a finger to do any additional work?

Well . . . believe it or not, a business like that exists! And you can be a part of it so you can claim your share of the profits right now!

Now, you will still need to find your customers. That goes without saying, and you're probably doing that right now anyway. But the beauty of this system is . . . that's all you have to do!

Everything else is done for you! The product, the selling, the follow-ups, and believe it or not, even the customer support is taken care of for you!

That leaves you with a lot of time and energy that you usually would have spent on doing the above tasks. With this model, you can use all that saved time and energy on getting more customers and increasing you cash payments every month!

That is the ultimate business model!

The structure of this ultimate business model is simple. It includes a product or service that customers want and are willing to pay for, not just once but every single month!

That means you sell to the customer just once and get paid every month for as long as that person remains a customer.

And because someone else takes care of the product, the selling, the order fulfillment, the customer service and the repeat sales every month, you are freed from those tasks so you can concentrate on getting more customers and increasing your monthly profits!

(Feel free to use this article online and in your email newsletters as long as you leave it intact and do not alter it in anyway. The by-line and resource box must remain in the article all links must be active hyperlinks.)

Ian Canaway will help you launch your very own money making website today that's 100% ready to take orders and pull in massive profits for you right now...guaranteed! Visit:

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Clickbank is Making People Rich - There Are Two Ways to Make Money With Clickbank

By Richard Cunningham

There are two ways to make money with Clickbank

1) As an affiliate

Clickbank has over 11,000 thousand digital products for you to sell. The most efficient way to go is to build a review site for a category of products and feature the top 3. Then get traffic with Google AdSense, YSM, article publishing and blogging. Once you find success in that niche its time to set it an auto pilot and repeat the process for each category of product in the clickbank marketplace
2) As a publisher

Working as a clickbank publisher is the same principle. You focus on one category at a time and get traffic the same way. But instead of selling other people products (OPP) you develop and sell your own.

TIP: Internet Marketing products and how to make money products is an overcrowded niche. Try Internet security products like spyware, health related e-books, other how-to ebooks - hot sellers. You can outsource your product development on site like or
How to drive traffic to your site with article marketing

Article marketing is one of the most cast effective ways for driving traffic to your clickbank affiliate or publisher site. To get good results with article marketing you must first pick a topic suitable to your niche, preferably one that isn't too competitive - generally this means that it has a lower search volume. Then you can either write the article yourself or outsource the job to Million dollar tip: generally its better not to use the keyword in the article more than once per 100 words. The keyword should be included in the title of the article and as a hyper link in the resource box when you submit the article to or other article directories such as

Good luck making money on Clickbank. Remember, don't spend it all in one place.


Richard is the Clickbank Prophet

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